These will be my notes for Andrej’s Zero to Hero playlist on youtube
The spelled out intro to neural networks and back-propagation: building micrograd
Need to know what a derivative is
- how does a function respond to a slight change in sensitivity (that is the slope) Back Propagation: for every single value, compute the derivative of that node with respect to the output. Recursive application of chain rule, backwards through the computation graph
- Need to review some basic calculus
- chain rule
- Backpropagation helps us fine tune neural networks
- Review topological sort
- Review PyTorch
- very efficient with tensor objects
- A layer of neurons is a set of neurons evaluated independently
- Gradients for inputs are not very useful because it is fixed
- For very large amounts of data, we use batches which is usually some subset of the data
The spelled-out intro to language modeling: building makemore
- Bigram language model: only looking at two characters at a time
- Goal: maximize likelihood of the data w.r.t. model parameters (statistical modeling)
- equivalent to maximizing the log likelihood (because log is monotonic)
- equivalent to minimizing the negative log likelihood
- equivalent to minimizing the average negative log likelihood
- log(abc) = log(a) * log(b) * log(c)
- Be cautious of tensor APIs
- common way to encode integers is to use one hot encoding
- outputs of neural net is log counts (logits)
- softmax activation function
- the loss is the average negative log likelihood
- how to optimize a neural net
- start with a random guess
- now we have a loss function (made up of differentiable functions)
- minimize loss by tuning w’s by computing gradients of the loss with respect to w
- one hot encoding really just selects a row of the next Liner layer’s weight matrix