Today’s Tasks:
- Get PR out
- Pickup groceries
- Leetcode String Compression
- Zero to Hero
- Brainstorm Paul Graham GPT summarizer Idea List
Daily Log:
- Push Day
- Got groceries
- Got a PR out finally, should be working on something new tomorrow
- Started building the paul graham essay summarizer
- was going to web scrape, but ended up being too complicated and I just ended up using a notion db connection instead
- need to figure out deployments and fix the UI
- Used this as a reference
- Didn’t eat much
Day Review:
- Pretty productive day, glad I finally got a PR out
- Had a good time starting the new project. It’s going to be nice working on some frontend development. The goal should be to constantly work on side projects to keep learning.
- Try to meal prep tomorrow.
- Did not do leetcode :/