Today’s Tasks:
[X] Cardio Day - 30 minutes treadmill - 30 minutes bike
- [] Read for an hour
- [] Practice guitar for 15 minutes
- Complete Advent of Code Day 2 + 3
- [] Look at roadmap for full-stack
- Watch 30 minutes of lecture 2 of Zero to Hero
- Watch a system design video + take notes
Daily Log:
- Cardio day
- Started Day 3 Advent of Code
- Watched system design video, how to design tinder
- 1 hour in lecture 2 of Zero to Hero
Day Review:
Pretty decent work day. Got a PR out at work, which was needed. Watched a system design video and got an hour in lecture 2 of Zero to Hero. Need to do a deeper dive into some tensor basics. Ate pretty good. Mavs vs Jazz was fun.